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Red Gate .NET Reflector Crack With Serial Number 2022 [New]

'c98877d4d9b051' and license is 'BSD 2-clause' .NET Reflector Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Dino Chiesa. All rights reserved. ' Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT TOP (1) [FileName] FROM [DBA].[dbo].[hb_license_files] WHERE [license] = @license", sqlConnection) command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@license", license) Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader() reader.Read() Return reader("FileName") Case license Return "" & license End Select End Function But I always get the above mentioned error message. A: The command.Parameters.AddWithValue() is not enough. You need to specify the data type of the value. This is the fixed version of your code: ' query to check license Dim sql = "SELECT TOP (1) [FileName] FROM [DBA].[dbo].[hb_license_files] WHERE [license] = @license" Dim license As String = Context.Items("License") If license = "" Then license = "TEST" Context.Items("License") = license End If Dim command As New SqlCommand(sql, sqlConnection) command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@license", SqlDbType.VarChar) command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@license", license) Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader() If reader.Read() Then Return reader("FileName") End If

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